Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College of Nursing

Shri Janardhan Swami College of Nursing

Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami
College of Nursing

Continuous Internal Evaluation System

  • The institution adheres to the Academic Calendar for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation and ensures that it is robust and transparent for all concerned. Academic calendar is prepared well in advance before the commencement of each session by the Curriculum Committee as per the Curriculum prescribes by the Indian Nursing Council.
  • The master plan represents the overall plan during the entire Academic session which includes the Theory Block, Practical Block and Partial Block for all the 4 batches of students. It also shows the time for the internal examinations, vacations, study leave and Final University examination. It consists of color codes representing the different activities and is used to represent the entire plan at a glance.
  • The clinical rotation plan on the other hand is prepared by the co-coordinator of each batch after the completion of the Master plan. This plan represents all the clinical areas where each student will be posted for the entire duration of the session.
  • After completion of both master plan and clinical rotation plan, the Curriculum Committee conveys the information to the entire faculty. Plans are then made by each subject teacher along with the class coordinators in lessons to be covered before each formative evaluation.
  • Each subject has a specific evaluation format/objective which is regularly carried out by the concerned teacher and class coordinators. Orientation of the Evaluation system is given to the students before commencing their classes i.e. at the beginning of each session during the orientation classes.
  • Objectives of the clinical experiences are also duly shared during these sessions. Assignments for each subject both theory and practical are given with evaluation criteria which includes the last date for submission, marking system etc. Evaluation format for the clinical areas are also prepared based on the objectives set by the Indian Nursing Council.
  • The objectives of each clinical area, assignments and evaluation system are shared to the students during the Orientation and just prior to their clinical posting. Marks of class tests, both theory and practical and terminal examinations are shared among all the teachers and is displayed clearly on the different Notice Boards.
  • The institution prepares the internal assessment marks based on criteria set by MUHS Nashik and INC New Delhi. Each evaluation marks are duly shared to the students and their signature is duly obtained to maintain transparency in the Evaluation system.